Free Consultation

  • (415) 491-0959
  • 119 A Paul Drive
    San Rafael, CA 94903

Just fill out this quick form

The consultation with Dr. Schillinger is free of charge. If after the consultation, Dr. Schillinger decides he can help you and he suggests an examination, you can then decide if you want to continue with the first visit.

Please fill out all fields and submit the following form to request your consultation.
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Free Chiropractic Consultation

As a potential new patient, you're invited to receive a FREE Chiropractic Consultation. During this 20 minute session, Dr. Mark will ask you questions about your back symptoms, your general health, how you deal with stress and the quality of your lifestyle.

This free consultation will help Dr. Mark determine if you have a structural problem or mental stress problem that he can help. If he can't be of service to you, he'll refer you to another specialist who can.