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  • (415) 491-0959
  • 119 A Paul Drive
    San Rafael, CA 94903

The #1 Goal of Yoga

Dr. Mark Shillinger

Dear Patients and Friends,

Yoga has been used for thousands of years to increase both physical health and mental well-being. As a chiropractor, I've found yoga beneficial to patients by improving the functioning of muscles, joints, organs, nerves, and the skin.

As a personal growth life coach and yoga teacher of 33 years, I've watched yoga dramatically decrease mental stress and significantly increase energy levels with my patients that I privately tutor.

The #1 Goal of Yoga

In yoga, the greatest virtue to have is willpower—the ability to focus and maintain your attention on one thought, object, or task at all times. Possessing this ability is the foundational skill for enjoying great physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual well-being. Having the discipline to keep your mind focused is also considered the most important tool for relaxing yourself at the time of your own death.

Modern Science Confirms the Benefits of Ageless Yoga

In my upcoming Yoga & Meditation Intensive on February 27th, I'll be explaining the new brain science called Neuro-Plasticity, which is how humans can rewire their brains for positive beliefs and productive behaviors and how it proves the ancient teachings of yoga to be beneficial for helping people reduce their stress quickly.

In my classes, I NEVER teach the postures that are the most responsible for hurting people. I emphasize controlled breathing and a focused mind as the most important aspect of Hatha yoga (physical postures).

I blend these safe hatha yoga postures with the advanced yoga techniques that calm the mind (Jnana yoga) and body (Pranayama), while lifting the spirit (Non-Dual yoga). As a musician, I always like to include a special type of music (Kirtan yoga), which involves joyful call-and-response singing.


When: Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Where: Schillinger Chiropractic Office, 1050 Northgate Dr. #1, San Rafael, CA. 94903

Time: 6:30PM – 9:00PM

Cost: $30

Registration: Call (415)491-0959, email, or online - Click Here

(Pre-registration is highly recommended - limited to only 8 participants)

Click here for flyer details.

I think you'll find this intensive really different from ANY yoga class you've attended. It's fun and enlightening. I truly hope to see you there!


Dr. Mark

P.S. – Feel free to send the attached flyer to your friends who you think would be interested in attending this one-of-a-kind yoga workshop.


Dr. Matt – Dr. Matt will be covering for me on Monday, February 26th and Friday, March 2nd, so I can continue working on other projects like the upcoming Happiness Master Mind Group, which will get underway at the end of March.

I know lots of you want to know more about this one-year program, so by the end of next week, I'll be revealing more of the application process and the details of the course, such as how often we'll meet in person and by phone, etc.

Dr. Mark Shillinger

Dr. Mark Schillinger
Schillinger Chiropractic & Wellness Center


  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.